Install on a iOS device (iOS 16+)

More compatibility with your my-own-voice installed as a system voice

Since the release of AcapelaMOV v. 2.x (October 2023), your my-own-voice can be installed on your iOS-based device directly and offers more compatibility with any application installed locally which browses/access those voices.

  • AIM
    More compatibility on an iOS-based device
  • OS version support
    since iOS 16+
  • Installer
  • Effective date
    Since October 2023

iOS system voice install instructions

How can I re install my mov as a system voice?

For any mov already installed/delivered, you will need to download AcapelaMOV v.2.x and enter your credentials to retrieve your mov and install it locally.

How does it affect the 3-month trial period for a mov?

No change, the voice will run for 3 months, during the trial period, as installed on the device. After the trial period, the mov will stop working.

Where can I find my mov on my device?

Your mov will be made available in the settings menu of your device.
e.g: on a iphone iOS 17, go to Accessibility\Spoken Content\Voices\Language\AcapelaMOV

Why can’t I find my mov?

If you cannot find your voice on the device after an install, you may try to restart your device.

How do I delete my-own-voice from the device?

Simply uninstall the AcapelaMOV iOS app and the voice will disappear from your device. However, please note that the AcapelaMOV application needs to stay installed on your phone while using my-own-voice.